
Nicholls MBE


Imogen began her singing lessons in Jersey at the age of 7 with Amy Luce MBE and went on to study singing at the Royal Academy of Music

As a young professional singer, Imogen enjoyed a career performing everything and anything from session work to opera and oratorio. She was part of a small touring opera company, ‘Opera Venture’, and sang, variously, the roles of Adele in Die Fledermaus, Marenka (Bartered Bride), Pamina (Die Zauberflote) Frasquita (Carmen) and all the female roles in the Marriage of Figaro although not in the same production!

Her first love however, has always been teaching and having founded her singing school, Musical Originals, in Oxford in 1985, Imogen moved back home to Jersey in 1990, and developed the school into one of the largest of its kind in the British Isles.  Currently, around 65 young people from age 5 to 18 attend weekly singing classes, choirs and private lessons, receiving a classical training in the fundamentals of singing technique. A number of Imogen’s former students are now professional singers and teachers themselves.  Imogen’s choirs, the Musical Original singers and the Musical Originals Training Choir have won several national and international competitions and are well known for their fine ‘a capella’ sound and meticulous performances of challenging contemporary works.

Imogen was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2019 for her services to music in the Island of Jersey.